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Prints for sale!

you can now buy some of my prints, including personalized name prints...


Hansel and Gretel 3D...

First try at this but I think it looks ok, has some promise...

CMYK Magazine Issue 45.

Some of my work will be in the new issue of CMYK Magazine, out late November. Sweet.

They have chosen 25 images from the magazine to feature on the cover and I am lucky enough to have 2 on there!

CMYK Magazine.

New Folio for Advertising work

Here is a really bad video of my lovely new book!

That dress looks nice on you...

These were the first set of pictures that I made in this style, they made the AOP Student Awards in 2007 and were on the invites and the front cover of the Awards book, didn't win though booooooo.

Hansel and Gretel

finally done!


Here are a couple of things I did a while ago now but I thought I would put on here.

Shut up I'm dreaming.

Just finished two new pictures, I like the more 'pastely' tones in these, not as in your face as the colours in some of my other flowery pictures...


The wonderful people at Metcalfe Lancaster, whom happen to be my new Agent asked me to make the alphabet out of flowers so they can send out personal e-mails to people to get my work noticed. I obliged!


Gonna do a few like this, I like the way this has worked.


This will be the last page in my new folio, to go with the 'hello' picture a few posts below that will be the first...


Mother Goose....

New Promo Card

Here is a picture I just finished, its pretty much just for my promo card to mail to people. I'm pretty happy with it, hopefully it will grab peoples attention!

self portrait

Here are two pictures that I just finished working on today, there kind of wierd self portraits but I really like the way they turned out.

its not fun trying to scan in feet... its really hard to keep feet perfectly still for 5 minutes!