Merry Christmas.

Here is a small animation of my X-Mas Snowman image... The music is taken from Sufjan Stevens - 'Sister Winter'

snowman movie HD from Matt Walford on Vimeo.

Voyager Extraordinaire BTS Animation.

Little animation showing the 'behind the scenes' of the image.

Voyager ExtraordinaireHD 20 secs from Matt Walford on Vimeo.

Photography Monthly Interview.

I was recently interviewed for Photography Monthly Magazine about my work, out on 28th November. The interview turned out really well and one of my 'Faces' images even graces the cover. Go have a read :-)

Limited Edition Prints.

I now have a selection of Limited Editions of my work on sale, a perfect gift or a great start to a collection!

Voyager Extraordinaire.

Meet Voyager Extraordinaire, the newest in my series of 'Extraordinary Gentlemen'!

The Universe Versus Alex Woods.

I recently had the absolute pleasure of working with publishing house Hodder & Stoughton on the front and back covers for their upcoming release 'The Universe Versus Alex Woods'. It comes out in January and can be pre-ordered from Amazon, cant wait to read it as it sounds amazing!

The brief was to create an exaggerated representation of 'Glastonbury Tor', which features in the book.

Front cover
 Back Cover

Flower Test.

Been experimenting with multiple exposures of flowers in the studio today. This one is pretty much straight from the camera... just some slight colour correction...

Brain Time.

This was a submission for 125 Magazine, for their 'Time' issue. Unfortunately it wasn't successful but I really like it, so 'ere you go...
There are 2 parts, a still image and a moving image, with the main idea being that 'Time' is a construct of the human brain.

Brain Time. from Matt Walford on Vimeo.

Edition Prints.

Edition Prints of my work are available HERE

If there is something you want but its not on there dont fret! Just get in contact!

Different sizes are also available upon request...

The Standard Model.

The recent announcement of what is probably the discovery of the elusive Higgs Boson inspired me to create this series, based on the Standard Model of Particle Physics.
This is my imagining of what sub-atomic particles might look like, each one is represented by a photo... but of what!?

You can see all of them bigger HERE

Nature Magazine.

I recently had the pleasure of working with the brilliant Nature Magazine. The brief was to create images to illustrate their 'Summer Books' article... Really pleased with how this turned out, the books used included 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, as a nod to the Scientific community!

Single flower made from the pages of Frankenstein...

'Book Flowers' made from Jules Vern and Mary Shelly...

Making of Extrordianry Gentleman.

Here are some short animations showing the workings behind some of the 'Extraordinary Gentleman' images. Not all steps are included so you can use your imagination...

The First Men in The Moon BTS Vid.

Mr Flamingo BTS vid.

The Time Machine BTS vid.

The Consortium BTS vid.

Before & After.

Here are a few Before and Afters of my work...


Just finished another one! Meet 'The Consortium'

I ♥ Coffee.

I Bloody adore coffee, I probably drink too much so made these lovely Still Life pics.

The Time Machine.

Just finished another one in the series...

Money Money Money

Here are my latest creations for Which? Magazine...

Olive Magaine.

I was recently commissioned by the wonderful people at Olive Magazine to create a Photo Illustration for their May issue, 'Cool List' 2012. Was a lot of fun to work on and I love how crazy it looks!.


"The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be" Carl Sagan.

Here is the Crescent Moon with Venus at the top and Jupiter at the bottom...

And here is my first ever attempt at a Star Trails image...


I have just set up an ESTY shop where you can buy affordable prints of my work :-)
You can check it out here...


Have a look at this marvelous Gent!

2nd one in the series, really pleased with how its coming together...

Fake Magazine

Recently completed this double page center-fold for FAKE Magazine's Nature Issue, It was pretty much an open brief and a pleasure to do! Big shout out to Sophie & Kerry at FAKE.

Product Work.

Been working on some product shots for my Commercial Folio. Some of these wont make it some of them might... buts that's what this blog is for!

The Mystery Experience.

Was lucky enough to be commissioned for my first book cover a while ago by Duncan Baird Publishers. I didnt know anything about the author Tim Freke before hand but after a bit of research he sounds like a very interesting chap!

The First Men in the Moon.

Been wanting to play with really old Photos for a while, pretty tough to get looking how I wanted...
Loosely based on the H.G. Wells novel 'The First Men in the Moon'.

Is it Photography? Is it Illustration? hmmm

Here is the original shot of the man that was used, found in a set of Victorian Cabinet Cards, from around 1880!

House of ££££

Here is a recent commission that's just come out for the lovely people at Which? magazine. Was a lot of fun to work on!

Still Life.

Been working hard on some new still life shots for the portfolio, went pretty much all out on the otherworldly foliage!