Still to moving...

I made this image a while back as a fun play on the 'Nissan Leaf' car. At the moment I am experimenting more and more with moving image... I love that the way I produce images means that I can animate them, could have some great commercial applications!

Still image.

Animated Version.

Which? Russian Dolls.

I was recently commissioned by the wonderful Which? Magazine To create one of my Photographic Illustrations for an article on 'Who Owns Who?' in banking. The brief was to create a series of Russian dolls, with the appearance of Financial workers, all to be holding cards...

This is my original shot to use as a base for the image...

And this is the final image, as it appears in the Magazine...

New Folio

Just finished putting together my new iPad folio and it looks great! The retina screen really makes the images POP off the screen... the app is called FolioBook and its really good, fully customizable with both image and video...

Here is what it looks like...