Moving Image

I've been wanting to experiment with motion more for a while now. Here is a little piece I've been working on called 'An Ending'. It's made up of a few hundred layers that are all separately animated.
Music is by the band Müm.

An Ending from Matt Walford on Vimeo.

World Meat Free Day

I had the pleasure of shooting this set of Ads for World Meat Free Day, for the brilliant Big Dog Agency. They went down a treat, I think they really put the message across in a nice tongue in cheek way!

And here are the individual elements that make up the 'Party Cow', to get an idea as to how I go about shooting these kinds of images. The animals were all shot separately on location, along with the foreground landscapes and the skies at different locations, but with matching lighting. The prop elements were then shot in the studio, matching the lighting to the location scenes and animals.