The Big Issue.

I did a quick job for the Big Issue last week, there was 24 hour turnaround on the whole thing but I'm really pleased with how it looks. It is alongside an article about 'Happiness'. Everyone should go and buy it, its such a good cause!

And here it is in situ

Which? Magazine.

I have been lucky enough to do some work for Which? magazine recently, they are super good people... They wanted an image to go with an article on 'Brands Reconstructed' (brands that own other brands you might not expect.... Anyway they liked the image I produced so much they asked me to do the cover image for the same issue, stoked!

This is the feature image.

And this is the Cover image :-)

My Website

Isn't working properly, its taking far too long to load if at all...

I have contacted the hosts and apparently its a problem there end that is being fixed asap. :-)


Been working on some motion things, just throwing ideas around really and learning how to use programs... What do you think? Its made from images of various jewels :-)

Lunar Life!

Not really, here is a pic I made but don't think I really like it, shit as it took bloody ages!